Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where have we been?

That's an excellent Question! Busy with Work things I suppose is the best Answer!

I just wanted wish all a belated Happy Valentines day! Brandon and I went pretty simple this year. We had originally talked about saving money on gifts for each other and putting it towards getting passports so that if a really good opportunity to leave on a cruise comes up we will be ready. That didn't happen but i guess the thought was a good one right? I was completely Broke this year and couldn't spoil my husband they way I would have liked and as he deserved but i did manage to make him a 75 song collection of love songs that he could play on dates or during dinners. I also picked up some cologne back in January at a sale that Id like him to wear and it smells heavenly on him! But me being me, Ever the Blond I did have one Valentines Misfortune. I accidentally lost or through out his Card! GONE! No idea what I did With it!

As for Brandon's gifts for me... well He remembered how against getting the traditional flowers and Candy that you normally would get for Valentines, but out smarted the system! He surprised me with one of my favorite candy's ( Jelly Bellies) and gave me a Rose scented candle! He also gave me a willow tree memento box as it had a rose carved out of the side of it and an assortment of tarts for the Kitchen! His card was sweet enough to bring tears to my eyes too which is my favorite part of Valentines. Hes the best!

We also attended our Churches valentines banquets and had a great time at Both. Brandon's sister Shannon got the award for Queen, Best Dressed and Best Eyes that night. Not a bad way to end your year huh?

This time of year though is always the hardest for me personally though. The 13Th marked 14 years since my Father passed away, and no matter how busy I get in life i still miss him everyday. This year to mark his passing I made sure to make time to go visit his mother my 92 year old Grandmother. Since her heart attack in December she hasn't been quite the same and it seems that she may be in the early onset of Alzheimer's. But she still knows me and knew what the day was but she held up better then I had for most of the day. Shes an amazing woman.

As Always,

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