Monday, July 9, 2012

Blog 2.0

Time for a reboot! As i've obviously proved I am TERRIBLE at blogging and I think I finally found what the problem was ( other then the obvious lack of time and energy) I tend to senser my thoughts FAR to much because I am always afraid of offending someone. I do not want to that any more. Now, Please understand that I am not trying to use this as a tool to intentionaly hurt someones feeling, or to exagerate flaws, I just want to be honest and share my thoughts. I dont want to portray our life as Happy-go-lucky when things are hard, and as so i dont want to always feel blue when things are hard. Some of the best times come out of the 'hard stuff' moments. This has led to me wanting to rename the Blog So without further ado- Imperfectly Happy Lifes not always a bowel of Cherries- but it's still pretty great.

1 comment:

Our Family said...

YAY!!! I am glad you are back! Hey, we all have imperfect lives! It will be alright! love you friend! Love, Amber